We Need A Change

Well we have decided that its time to try and prepare our own meals instead of getting Lite N Easy.
It is costing us about $800 a month between us and we think we might be able to do it a lot cheaper and just as healthy.
We now know what foods are good for us to eat and we can still follow the Lite N Easy daily food plan but just do it ourselves with our own food.

Well thats really all i needed to update.

We had my 88 year old grandmother here for a few days from Perth after she had stayed with her Army friend for a week on the Central Coast..
It was great to have her here and it was sad to say goodbye as im not sure when i will see her next....hopefully it wont be to long


all the best in cooking your healthy meals!!! im sure you'l do awesome with a $800 or less a month budget! :D

July 9, 2008 at 4:23 PM  

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